We completed the night with about 5 trick-or-treating stops and the kids were ready to crash... which is always a sign of the end to a GREAT day!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Indian and the Hunter ride again...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Foxy Lady...
Yep... you counted right. There are three little fox cubs. Mom is a little camera shy and doesn't come out to play as much as the babies but she makes an appearance every now and again. They are playful and fun to watch in the afternoon sunshine. She has had litters before but they always stayed far away. This year, she moved them right outside our office! It is a fairly rare occurence to see this, but to have them so close is even more amazing.
Today I am thankful for..
1) A reminder of God's amazing creatures
2) Rain on my newly planted potatoes
3) A chance to get in a good run while my son is at preschool... keep your fingers crossed for me!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Horsin' around
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Life down a country road...
And having the opportunity to raise our kids with an appreciation for the finer things in life that money just can't buy:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Mudroom: Trial Run

But in a REAL "country" house, things are slightly different. We actually bring mud (among other things) into our mud rooms. We have piles of coats and shoes for every person and every type of weather and there is never a shortage of farm "stuff" that makes its way thru the door. So needless to say, we are REALLY looking forward to our spacious new mudroom that is part of the new addition. As I mentioned in my last post, we are still stuck in drywall mode. It looks the same as the last pictures I posted, but that didn't stop my husband from giving it a good 'ole trial run to make sure it would serve our needs. Thus enters this little guy on Sunday morning....
The kids were in charge of making sure he didn't wander off while we were out with mama trying to convince her to go ahead and deliver his little sister! Don't you just love PJ's and cowboy boots?!?!?
Guess the mudroom passed the test and served our needs...for today anyway!
Today I am thankful for:
- Precious baby calves and the joy they bring the kids
- 40 degree days and sunshine in February
- Finding out Ally is promoted to reading at a 2nd grade level!