Friday, November 11, 2016

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

They don't ever tell you about the downside of free-range chickens. For us, it's all about finding that elusive secret stash of eggs. Most chickens are compliant and lay their eggs in the nesting boxes we provide.  But others.... well let's just say they are the rebel chicks.  There's always gotta be that one stray hen. So when we do find a pile like this they all go in the trash because we don't know how old they are or how long they've been here.  And by trash I mean the dogs and cats get to eat them. Food safety is important and we only sell eggs that we can guarantee have been picked up the day they are laid. "Farm fresh" is a real deal around here. Besides, my farmer husband doesn't like sitting down on a pile of scrambled eggs!  As for this chicken...she's has decided laying in the skidloader might not be the best choice so she's back in good standing. For now...