Sunday, September 10, 2017

Team Sorting - Family Style

Team Sorting.  It doesn't take a higher education to assume the name implies a group of individuals on the same "team" are attempting to "sort" something.  Sounds fascinating, doesn't it??  But are we talking kindergartners sorting blocks in a timed event?  A group of fashionista girls sorting out matching wardrobes? Ohhh... what about a team of football players sorting smelly equipment??

Well, as fun as those all sound, in our case we're talking about two partners, horseback, sorting cattle out of a pen.  The calves are numbered 1-10 and you are given a beginning number when you cross the starting line.  The object is to get the cattle sorted out the gate (in numerical order starting with your assigned number) in the shortest amount of time possible (2 minutes max).  If you get out of order or run out of time, you are disqualified.  I truly believe it's part skill and bigger part luck.

Check out this video of Nate and his dad in the first round!

It's great fun, great horses, great friends, and time away to sit back and enjoy this beautiful late summer weather we've been having!

PS - And because I can't help but reminisce... I came across this gem of a photo when I was writing this post.  It reminds me of a) how fast time is flying and b) how much I love these two!!