Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life down a country road...

There hasn't been much progress on the house this week that deems picture worthy, so today I decided to share a few other things around here that remind me of just how lucky we are! Sometimes its hard to live in the middle of nowhere, but when you do, you get to enjoy a few things that the urbanites can only imagine...

Like seeing a rooster and rabbit share a drink. I laugh every time I see it and wonder what these two talk about at night... They would make a great Cadbury Egg Easter commercial!

Or watching the strict supervision of Lexi at feeding time...

Or seeing the first official sign of spring: when the baby calves start to arrive! Urbanites be jealous... very, very jealous!

And having the opportunity to raise our kids with an appreciation for the finer things in life that money just can't buy:
So the next time I complain that we are at least 4 hours from a major airport (not to mention an Olive Garden), remind me that we are truly blessed to live in rural America!

1 comment:

  1. This urbanite IS jealous... great pics, Janet! Thanks for sharing. :-) And Olive Garden's got nothin' on you guys!!!

    HUGS from Orlando!!


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