Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fair Daze... Part III - Nate-Dawg Style

Nate isn't old enough to be in regular 4-H but at least he gets to particpate via Clover Kids.  This year he did the bike rodeo (another post coming), cookies, flowers, and a poster on caring for his dogs.  He has been extremely patient this year following us around at Ally's activities but I know his 8th birthday can't come soon enough so he can show horses and cattle too!  I'm sure it will be here before we know.  However, I might just be too tired to do it all by then!

Ribbon from the bike rodeo.  He kicked butt!

At the fair with his cookies!  They were delicious!

Here he is with his poster on caring for his dogs, Lexi & Trapper!

Another ribbon for his flowers and homemade container.  He also took some flowers to the open class and got a purple ribbon!!


  1. He is so cute...I bet he was very excited with the results! I don't know how you will keep up once he turns 8...I think you might have to give them a project limit! haha You will have lots more to blog about... :)
    Maybe one of these years I can just come for fair and help...that would be a BLAST!

  2. Yeah right...if this is what he does when he's "not" in 4-H... I think you can read my mind from here...Hugs to all!


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!!