Thursday, September 29, 2011

A new addition to the farm...

The word is out that the family made a little road trip last weekend.... to a CHICKEN SALE!  I know you are all just dying to know what the heck a chicken sale is so you'll have to check back soon to get the full story, complete with pics.  It's pretty much what you are already imagining but I do have proof in case you think that might be too hard to believe.  In the meantime, I had to share my cuties with their new pals.  I never knew chickens could be "tame" but these certainly are.  The kids are already talking about taking them to the fair next year.  I just want to have scambled eggs between now and then.  We'll see how it turns out!  
Chicken Sale post coming soon.  You know you want the scoop! 


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!!