Friday, October 7, 2011

Storing nuts...

 Like any good squirrel who stores up a supply of nuts for winter, we've been trying to stock pile all the amazing, fresh produce so we can enjoy it all winter long.  Our most recent project was freezing sweet corn.  I know it might be easier (and probably cheaper) to pick up a few cans in the grocery aisle throughout the winter, but it sure does taste good when you pack it yourself!   
My only additive is a little butter to melt during the cooking process.

I discovered the use of my grill for cooking sweet corn last year while we were under construction.  I was without a kitchen for several months during the summer and experimented with all kinds of things on the grill.  It keeps the heat out of the house and the mess is minimal.  I just wrap about 4 ears at a time in foil and cook on the grill for about 20 minutes.  I flip the package halfway thru the cooking.

Right off the grill.  They look, smell and taste amazing!!

The absolute most important step is to have a professional label all of your packages!

Who wouldn't smile everytime you pull out a package of corn all winter?  I might just keep it for sentimental purposes!

The finished product!  This will taste amazing this winter when it's 20 below outside! 

The best past is having a fresh, wholesome food supply for your family all winter.  No preservatives added here!  I like knowing where my food comes from and who was involved in the process!
And when you are done, you get to feed all the shucks and cobs to the cows.  They LOVE this part and nothing goes to waste!!  They come running when they see the buckets on the four wheeler!

1 comment:

  1. I've never used this looks much better than mine. Ya think it may be the butter that sparks my interest? You're such a good mom.


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