Monday, December 5, 2011

A time for work, a time for play...

When you wake up to a view like this, you know it's gonna be a good day!  After we got the cattle taken care, it was time to play.  We went sledding, made a snow man, jumped in the piles of snow, and just had a lot of fun!  I think the pictures pretty much speak for themselves!!!
Lexi and Trapper had a ball sledding and playing with the kids!!

My snow angels...

Bad photography or blizzard conditions??

Of course you have to end a day of snow play with a nice mug of hot chocolate and extra marshmallows!!
And just think... we get to do it all again tomorrow!!


  1. I want to come to your house and play in the snow!! :) Were they dipping their marshmallows in the hot chocolate??

  2. You've got some cute kids there. I'm concerned with the mental capacity of your dog...the one swimming in the tank in the previous post. Made me cold.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!!