Things are still a zoo around here with trying to recover from the fair and also cramming two months worth of activities into the remaining 9 days before school starts! I have LOTS to brag about from the county fair so it might take a few posts. Allison did an awesome job with her first year of 4-H and Nathan had a blast participating in Clover Kids (pre-4-H) for the first time too. These are just a few shots from show day. All the 4-H kids worked so hard all summer getting ready for the big day. I'm proud of all of them! Hopefully I will get more posted soon, but this will have to do for now! We're off to a bridal show in central Kansas today!!!
Here she is with Nila. And for those of you that know cattle, Nila is only 1/4 Hereford. The rest is Angus and Simmental!
Ally and Rocky. They don't get any cuter than this!!! |
She already looks like a "professional"! I would love to see more pics so I hope there are LOTS more posts.