When I woke up yesterday morning, this was the view out my window. You can imagine the excitement of the kids when they woke up. I don't recall ever having this much snow at once since I've lived in Nebraska. Unfortunately, when you live on a farm, snow means as much work as it does play. Luckily we did a little of both but our first priority is always the livestock. Hubby was at work taking care of the cattle there so I was on my own to check our cows and make sure they had water.
I chose to sport the always fashionable Carhart line of apparel accessorized with my favorite Muck boots. I thought of my dad when I was getting ready... he always used to tell me "This isn't a fashion show so just get out there!" I eventually came back to the house for my ski goggles because it was snowing so hard that I couldn't see anything!
The cows were actually pretty content when I found them. We are blessed with amazing wind breaks all throughout the property so they found a nice tree line to hide behind out of the wind. The temperatures were comfortable if you stayed out of the wind.
Luckily the 4-wheeler has 4 wheel drive so we were able to get back and forth to the water tank to get it filled. The kids came with me on my 2nd trip to shut off the hyrdrant.
Did you know beef cows drink up to 20 gallons of water a day? A dairy cow can drink 30 to 50 gallons of water each day due to higher milk production. That's a lot of water!!
Even though it was pretty frigid outside, Lexi couldn't resis taking a quick swim in the tank. I think she knows her swimming days are pretty much over til next spring!
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